New Artist Spotlight: Eric S Johnson with Song of the Month ‘Moon Flowers’
Artist: Eric S Johnson
Song: Moon Flowers
Streaming Link: Spotify
Getting started, reminds me of the days (decades ago) when bootleg music would be produced in cellars and garages. My songs are produced in bathrooms, yes, you do sound better when you sing in the shower. They are also produced in my "music room" a former psychic reading room with good acoustics.
I work construction inspection, sometimes at night. One night in late October 2023 I saw the beauty of the full moon. As I followed the moon's rays downward through the trees, I suddenly had a vision, my former girlfriend. My memory of her (Candy) was deep passionate and emotional feelings toward her. Very magnetic, she possessed a high bar of charm that no woman EVER approached it. Warm and hypnotic, seductive charm, her eyes, the deepest I've ever looked into. I have since thought of her Native American heritage brought a deeper, more soulful spirit and had me in a trance since I first met her, IN 1976. We were young, both athletes, both took high math courses in college. Candy was stunningly gorgeous.
We went out briefly, I blame it on my youthful inexperience, immaturity and insecurity that had us split up. But I've remembered Candy and have been madly in love with her for nearly 50 years. I only found how madly in love I was with her when driving by her road for the first time in over 40 years in daylight hours. It was a profound breath taking epiphany that had me gasping for air. Candy and I hadn't contacted each other for all that time. Then after about a year and a half, HOPE! I sent her a Christmas present that included a video card with "Moon Flowers" on it. Candi (her preferred spelling - instead of Candace) send a Christmas card back with words that fit EXACTLY how I would write her freehand (don't wait until Christmas, etc to tell others you love them). Yes it was a card, but we pick out cards with the words that fit our feelings. Maybe, just maybe, that chemistry really is there.
Moon Flowers is reminiscent of her grace and beauty, and how she whimsically affected everyone around her, her OCC Woman's Volleyball teammates, friends, and especially me. "The shadow of the moon's light, you make such a pretty sight" is an image engrained into my mind of a shadow of a person prancing across the sky, with her shadow on the moon itself. She always was one I had to reach high for, metaphorically as the song suggests, I had to go to the moon and pick flowers to deliver to her. Moon Flowers is a song about the greatest love of my/everyone's life. More Candi to come in future months when a featured song with her inspiration is put out.